SummerDaze, an ODS League Show on July 8 & 9, opens on June 1 and will be closing on June 26. Held at Lake Oswego this is a relaxed fun league show and a great way to prepare for the upcoming LOH recognized show. Your support and participation would be great. The judge is Patty Littman.
You can get more information at the following link:
Welcome to the Oregon Dressage Society | Shows and Clinics
Additionally, you can sign up to volunteer on the ODS site as well. If you have a few minutes before or after your rides this is a great place to sign up prior to the show. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Would you mind posting this in the coming week? I put the volunteer page online at the ODS site
Welcome to the Oregon Dressage Society | Volunteer!
Kindest Regards,
Marla Santino